Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Two Words - Dane Telford

In the short story "Two Words" by Isabel Allende, two words are given to the colonel, and I believe that the words are either her name, "Belisa Crepusculario", or "You" and "Me."
Evidence showing the words may be her name "Belisa Crepusculario," Is that all throughout the sotry she is referred to both full names, not ever "That Girl" "Ms. Crepusculario " or "Belisa," but always "Belisa Crepusculario." Also because after the colonel is given the words, she leaves, but shortly after the colonel becomes obsessed, and demands to talk to her again.
The second piece of evidence also works for the words "You" and "Me" or "you" and "I," because if he admitted love, the colonel would become obsessed and would try to find her again.
The words that Belisa Crepusculario gave to the colonel, i feel, has to be love related, because he grew obsessed and had to see her again.

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